Patti and Nancy Quatro will be joining their awesome former musicians as Pleasure Seekers/Cradle, with Guest bassist Christa Hillhouse (4 Non blondes) subbing in for injured Suzi Quatro, in Detroit Rock city. The event is at the Fillmore Detroit, awesome old style venue, door open at 6, event at 7. The Pleasure Seekers, Cradle, and Suzi Quatro will be honored at the event for their contributions to pioneering female musicians out of Detroit Rock City. Their CD’s: Cradle “the history”, and Pleasure Seekers “What a Way to Die”, plus 3 t-shirts will be availabe at the merch table in lobby at the event.
Garage Hangover reviews the Pleasure Seekers
This historical CD documenting the Quatro sisters early music, now available, and reviewed here by Garage Hangover, in “Media-Pleasure Seekers Press” section. Â Thanks to Garage Hangover, and way to go, Q-girls!!!
Those Q-girls: Suzi and Patti Quatro –“sister speak”–now up!
Enjoy the in-depth “sisters” interview with Suzi and Patti, on all things Quatro: Â their early roots, their music, their eventual solo paths, and present projects. Â Text interview is now at FB page–Roch Parisien’s Rocon Communications. Â Additional content of questions and answers to this interview, to be posted this week, so stay tuned…..
New Quatro interview now posted ….for your enjoyment
Enjoy the latest one hour “talk and music” Quatro interview with DJ Brian Lush up now: Â ROCKWiRED RADiO PROFiLES PATTi QUATRO ERiCSON OF THE PLEASURE SEEKERS AND CRADLE AND THE RESPECTiVE.
Quatro Interviews this weekend! Interview
CD Baby “Rock Picks June 2011”
Pleasure Seekers “What a Way to Die” CD named a Rock Pick for June 2011 at Â Thanks to all for the awesome support for this historical CD, newly released. Â It’s a Q-girls summer of fun!!!!! Â Â Enjoy the music and rock your summer! xo
Now posted: Soundcheck Magazine feature on Q-girls
Enjoy our new “feature” posting in the Media/Pleasure Seekers Press Room…
Cyndi Ford has written a great in-depth interview on the Quatro sisters and their early music, with loads of photos.
Check it out…..Update on Pleasure Seekers CD
Any day now…….Pleasure Seekers “What a Way to Die” CD will be soon stocked at CD Baby, thru our website, and major outlets. Â CD is loaded with history and photos on a 6-page insert, with limited signed copies available through our website. Â Â Just write us your paypal address, and we can take care of your order.
“Soundcheck” magazine–check out new interview!
Hey….what an exciting month…….First “Ugly Things” Magazine feature on the Quatro early bands and NOW……just out…..Q-girls new feature in-depth interview in Soundcheck magazine–out now–with Suzi and Patti Quatro, by Cyndi Ford. Â Pictures too……Enjoy! Â Â Full article will be posted soon.