QUATRO SISTERS –Watch our Media Section for all new postings of interviews–we will be updating this section regularly in Pleasure Seekers Press, Cradle Press, and Quatro Sisters Press. Enjoy!
Dennis (Kloden9), 2/2011
This is really great stuff. Just discovered The Pleasure Seekers tonight(watched “Reach Out” 5+ times) and then started exploring, what a treat this tune is along with all the others I’ve heard tonight, absolutely great. I have got a lot of catching up to do. Thank you Quatros P.S. I Love You, keep on rocking. Your newest fan, Dennis
Foureversq, 2011
Thank you Quatro sisters. Enduring talent , Lyrics that send shivers thru you. Keep breaking new ground, down barriers. Quatro Sisters are/were ahead of their time. Listening to your bodyof work u realize the industry is smallminded. ButLove all the postings! So entertaining.
Henry8smallwood, 9/22/2011
What was it about the Grande scene that brought out the best in so many groups? You rocked out on this song. The harmonies are especially awesome. Thanks for sharing this performance!
ShaolinDragon9, 2011
Don’t get me wrong I do like the Runaways as well….we all have our favorite classic rock music from certain eras…I’m very fascinated with 60’s myself, and the Pleasure Seekers happen to my personal favorites…but I can see where the Runaways got their inspiration for their music.
Quieterrps, 2011
Seriously good. I had no knowledge of The Pleasure Seekers before yesterday or that Suzi had musical siblings. Really great arrangements and choice of songs ~ I’m sure that Smokey would be in awe of the harmonizing on You’ve Really Got A Hold On Me. Glad to see this. Cheers!
Victor115114, 1/25/2011
Oh lord i’ve got my cradle cd, I play it all night and play it all day…….So no one will stop me ! the music is back and rocking in my house.And all over Clevedon England thank the Quatro sisters never stop rocking..
APRIL 27, 2012……DETROIT ROCK CITY……Induction for the Quatro Sisters and their bands….all details to come!!!!!