Four young girls in the mid-1960’s with a band leader for a father and a child protege on the piano as a brother. One of the girls has a dream; all of them have talent. The result….?
The Pleasure Seekers were formed in 1964 and became the pioneering driving force behind the female rock artists who were to follow in their wake. From the minute you first hear the sound of Patti’s guitar and Suzi’s soulful voice you know instinctively that you are witnessing something special and very unique for the time. Add to this the driving beat of Nan Ball’s drumming and the keyboards and rythm guitar of Arlene and Marylou and you can understand why the Pleasure seekers were so highly sought after.
This latest CD from QuatroRock is a must have for any serious Rock lover. But … it doesn’t end there.
Bring into this mix the ethereal and quite stunning voice of the fourth sister – Nancy – and the development into Cradle is a natural progression.
So here you have what seems to be spontaneously creative guitar work from Patti but in reality each note is carefully planned and constructed; Suzi providing bass riffs that put many top male bassists to shame and at the same time sharing vocals with the hypnotic Nancy. The end result is an album that literally transports you back in time to the late 60’s and early 70’s – the genesis of progressive rock.
Although there were many talented musicians who passed through both the Pleasure Seekers and Cradle the real accolades have to go to the four equally talented and pioneering Quatro Sisters who drove the sound forward and made it possible for the Female bands that followed to find success.
These two albums are a snapshot of Rock History – A moment in time that moulded the sounds we hear today.
~The Lord – Shangrla Radio 2011